Will Peace prevail?
Will peace prevail when we still have people who do and act the way it is happening all over?
Will peace prevail when some people think that other people’s lives mean nothing?
Will peace prevail when people don’t value lives?
Will peace prevail when killings continue to be the Breakfast, lunch and dinner to some people?
Will peace prevail when we still sleep under terror?
Will peace prevail when we still hear grenades?
Will peace prevail when we can see the tears of children crying for their beloved ones?
Will peace prevail when we still hear the sounds of bullets?
Will we ever achieve peace in our world today?
Will we ever achieve human rights?
Will we ever achieve tolerance in our hearts?
Will we ever get rid of thirst and hunger for power?
Will we ever get the satisfaction of our hearts to end violence?
Will people ever stop their greed and learn to leave with others instead of elimination?
Will we ever learn to be human before we become Human Rights Activists?