Famous MINANI passes away

I was sitted in my room in Newyork,
I skyped as usual to talk to my friends and family.
I made a call and talked to my children as they screamed where are you mom and after that I called my friend Kabonero who gave me bad news ever since long time that we have been friends.
the news was that one of my friend, workmate,neighbour and fellow activist have passed away; I didnt buy it at first because I thought what he was talking didnt make sense, I had to switch him off and tried to call other firends that were more reliable on this issue than he was;
I called Shema (shamakokera) unfortunately he didnt pick my phone and then I called one of my best friend Joseph who confirmed to me that what I had heard was real. I couldnt understand it , I was so much downhearted because of many reasons that my friends who know him would clarifiyfy. We as young people, we lost a role model.
Minani Rwema Celestin to those who dont know him was an artist, activist and a socialist; please visit http://allafrica.com/stories/200804010073.html for his biography.
I skyped as usual to talk to my friends and family.
I made a call and talked to my children as they screamed where are you mom and after that I called my friend Kabonero who gave me bad news ever since long time that we have been friends.
the news was that one of my friend, workmate,neighbour and fellow activist have passed away; I didnt buy it at first because I thought what he was talking didnt make sense, I had to switch him off and tried to call other firends that were more reliable on this issue than he was;
I called Shema (shamakokera) unfortunately he didnt pick my phone and then I called one of my best friend Joseph who confirmed to me that what I had heard was real. I couldnt understand it , I was so much downhearted because of many reasons that my friends who know him would clarifiyfy. We as young people, we lost a role model.
Minani Rwema Celestin to those who dont know him was an artist, activist and a socialist; please visit http://allafrica.com/stories/200804010073.html for his biography.
this link goes to one of his most famous songs; http://www.imeem.com/people/KJ_Cya//music/sEwIzOLa/rwema_minani_sur_la_terre/
He was part of many activities in the City of Kigali where personally we have been serving together as my boss at the Gasabo National Youth Council and Gasabo District councillor, he had atalent and this made him to be famous ;
I dont want to go beyond here but he was a man of character.
I thank my friends who have been able to support his family through this difficult times.
May his soul rest in Peace.
I thank my friends who have been able to support his family through this difficult times.
May his soul rest in Peace.