Media house's visit; Worthy it?

meeting the Freedom House;
Freedom House is a clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world. Since its founding in 1941 by Eleanor Roosevelt, Wendell Willkie and other Americans concerned with the mounting threats to peace and democracy, Freedom House has been a vigorous proponent of democratic values and a steadfast opponent of dictatorships of the far left and the far right.
I had gone to school to learn about democracy, media and freedom of speech; I learned alot including the ranking of Rwanda in the freedoms ngaho namwe nimurebe; then visit rwanda; you will see how we are ranked.
Then another interesting organisation I visited was the Committee to protect journalists; do you think it was worthy to visit them? do you think there is need to protect journalists? I need your input but to see what they do visit I basically put this to guide you on where Rwanda stands.
What I believe in now is that any country's democratic status can be measured through the freedom of expression and speech.
I am waiting to see your comments.
Love you all