New venture
Now that I have arrived safely, I had to make sure people back home hear from me; here i go to skype to call my children there phone was off; I was scared, called all the phone at home no one responded; ofcourse I started imagining what happenned but the fact was I had called almost in the mid of the night when I expected it to be early; I picked my phone quickly called my friend Kabonero; he picked my phone in a very deep sleep; I asked, charles you are not talking what happened and he just heard my voice in long distance and walk up to talk to me; he said this 2 am in Rwanda; how was your journey and the rest call me or him to know what we talked about but the fact was we have 7 hour difference in time with Washington DC. So I didnt like geography in my whole life and here I start to regret the classes I used to not attend. he assured me that my children were safe through one of his common words feel free; they are ok.
Haaaaaaaaa,..... I started reflecting the times in kigali and the house with out me and with out Charles my husband;I started missing my friends and I felt unconfortable.
I had a 6 hour train to a big City New York, where I had a meeting with one of the big money in New york and Brett (one of the handsome guys in USA, Elizabeth get me well he is and infact you know what to do) had booked us a big hotel in New york on almost no cost compared to its normal price. It was fun to go to that hotel but we didnt have much time; we costumed for this meeting and grabbed a cab to the office; this white hair guy was sitted waiting for us; you have to know this in their culture there is no waiting for some one, you need to be on time bse time is money;
I didnt tell you why actually am in the United states (visit our website; )then you will get more information but basically I am now selling the idea of constructing a training school in Bugesera District (Ntarama Sector) where we anticipate to construct a a vocational training school, High school and primary school; so here i start marketing my idea with the support of this beautiful young lady Elizabeth Davis; the millionaire was interetsted in the idea but he wanted to know more abou Africa; what is the status of Rwanda after Genocide? will there be any other Genocide? but Africa is corrupt; how do you assure me of the good use my money? those were the tough questions shoot to us; but obviously we are selling and se sold until when he bought but still he was I will but I am not sure of Africa's tommorrow; what a hell; I went back to the hotel annoyed; what a hell is that? Africa is corrupt and well known of wars; what a bad name? I stared now putting together the new presentation about the face of Africa and infact I changed my words; I started teaching people how there is another africa you never see in media; people here are very busy that the only source of news is media so they believe in their media; my friends in media houses like Burasa, Gasasira, Gasana, Surah and Kabonero muraho; guys make news that Rwandans will trust in since we are heading to democracy and development. We need your news to reflect our views not your views, I love you. ahaaaaaaaaaaa ntimubigire urwitwazo mumenye aho muri ba shahu......
The first meeting however ended with a good hope and had oriented us on how to go about selling our products with a promise of funding but the statement was the USA economy now is bad and we are heading for elections but I wll support you.
We were heading for a good day where we were expecting to meet 500 young Newyorkers and meet different groups of young people interested in Africa organised by Heather Summer.
Keep posted after my meeting,